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Published Sheet Music - Piano Solo 鋼琴獨奏曲



"White Peony" Concert-Arrangement 白牡丹音樂會改編曲

by Chi-Hsin Yi

        “White Peony” is an old Taiwanese song written by Chiu-Lin Chen in 1936. With unique beauty of its pentatonic melody, this song represents an interesting stylistic mixture: the traditional music of Taiwan and the pop-song of the 1930s.Chi-Hsin Yi's concert-arrangement is written in late-Romantic style, featured with brilliant sonority and virtuosic piano technique.




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Fantasy on Old Taiwanese Melodies 台灣老歌幻想曲

by Chi-Hsin Yi

      This fantasy is based on three Taiwanese songs of the 1930s. The painful tune of Zan-Fu Yao's "Sadness" gives the music an atmosphere of endless sorrow. "Dancing Era", originally a Foxtrot in Yu-Hsian Deng's song, is turned into a brisk theme in 2/4 with a virtuosic variation as a reminiscence of the pre-war Taiwan. The warmth of the major tune of "Wine Cup of Sorrow" (also by Zan-Fu Yao) stands between the two returns of "Sadness" as consolation. Three themes are arranged into a rondo form, giving the fantasy a narrative quality.




"Springtime Hills" Concert-Paraphrase 滿山春色演繹曲

by Chi-Hsin Yi

       Based on two Taiwanese songs of the 1930s, “Springtime Hills” (Chiu-Lin Chen) and “Periwinkle” (Tong Su), this paraphrase is a virtuosic piano work in late-Romantic style with "three-hand" texture and grand sonority.


        此鋼琴演繹曲為描繪春天欣欣向榮的氣象,將原歌曲旋律做多種變奏與自由發展:開頭的主題充滿活力,接著有興奮熱情的強烈節奏、有鳥鳴般的清亮音響,也有浪漫溫柔的情歌。中段的船歌改編自蘇桐〈日日春〉,為幽靜愜意之景。末段的主題再現以快速上下行的音階環繞著主旋律,形成「三手織體」(Three-Hand Texture) 效果,主旋律由低攀升至極高音域,在欣喜歡呼中結束。華麗的炫技風格,將鋼琴音響發揮得淋漓盡致。

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"Jasmine of June" Concert-Arrangement 六月茉莉

by Chi-Hsin Yi

      "Jasmine of June" is a Taiwanese folk song. Chi-Hsin Yi's concert arrangement is written in late-Romantic style, has brilliant sonorityManage Items.

“Rainy Night Flower” Concert-Arrangement 雨夜花音樂會改編曲

by Chi-Hsin Yi

“Rainy Night Flower” is an old Taiwanese song written by Yu-Xian Deng in 1934. Chi-Hsin Yi's concert arrangement is written in late-Romantic style, and features brilliant sonority.

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