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  曾在德國 Schmolz + Bickenbach 及 Bechstein 鋼琴比賽獲獎,獲國家音樂廳選為樂壇新秀。敏斯特報 (Münster Zeitung) 讚賞其演奏「充滿音色之美,技巧卓越並深具情感」;波茲坦新新聞 (Potsdamer Neuerste Nachrichten) 亦誇獎其琴藝「具有深刻內斂的魅力」。在義大利 Nocera Terinese音樂節擔綱演出,於德國柏林、杜塞朵夫、敏斯特等地舉行多場個人獨奏會,多次與柏林交響樂團合作演出協奏曲,並受邀為柏林自由之聲廣播電台錄製音樂節目。在台灣有多場個人獨奏會、室內樂、聲樂伴奏演出,近年來參與故事音樂會、數位音樂等多種不同類型演出製作,並有鋼琴、室內樂、歌曲與合唱作品改編創作。

          Pianist Chi-Hsin Yi has been an active soloist, recitalist, and accompanist. She received extensive professional training in Germany, the United States and holds degrees in piano performance and music education, including an Artist Diploma in Piano as well as a Master’s Degree in Piano Pedagogy at the Berlin University of the Arts, a Diploma of “Konzertexamen” at the Robert-Schumann-University of Düsseldorf and a doctoral degree from the University of Maryland.


          A recipient of numerous honors and awards, Ms. Yi has received a “Förderpreis” from the C. Bechstein Competition, an E.ON Scholarship for study in Düsseldorf, a “Förderprämie” from the Schmolz + Bickenbach Competition, and the Rising Star Award from the National Concert Hall in Taiwan.


          Acclaimed by the German newspaper Münster Zeitung as “full of beauty of sound” and “virtuosic and sensitive,” Ms. Yi made extensive solo appearances throughout Germany, Taiwan, and in Italy and the United States. Highlights of her professional activities include appearances at the Chopin Society Hannover, the C.Bechstein Berlin, “the 175th Anniversary of Franz Schubert’s Death,” “the Art of Arrangement,” and in concerto performances with the Sinfonie Orchestra Berlin at the Berlin Philharmonic and orchestras in Taiwan. She has also been recorded and broadcasted on Broadcaster Sender Freies Berlin.


          Specialized in art song accompaniment and on demand as a collaborative artist, Ms. Yi gave concerts with numerous singers in Germany and Taiwan. As a devoted interpreter of German lieder, she has written extensive analyses on “Goethes Mignon-Lieder in ausgewhälten Vertonungen” and “The Repeated Settings of Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt: A Study of Schubert’s Song Style.”


          After returning to her homeland Taiwan, Ms. Yi has dedicated herself to many fields of music education. She has served as a member of numerous competition juries including the Taiwan Music Competition, Excellence Music Open Competition of Taiwan, Taipei Excellence International Piano Competition etc.. In order to expand the audience for classical music, she gave lecture recitals, lectures on music educations and produced educational concerts including “The Wonder Trip of Little Monkey and Dorami” (2015) and “Santa Claus Runs Around” (2020). For years she has been developing a creative, play-based curriculum for children featuring multimedia learning materials, innovative teaching tools, music board games as well as pictorially presented music scores. The teaching resources she developed are to see on the website “Dorami Music” (


          Ms. Yi is currently an assistant professor at Tainan University of Technology and Shih Hsin University in Taiwan. She serves also on the faculty of the music class at several high schools as well as the Bach Inspiration Music Learning Center.

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